Keep Your Word

I fell into something wonderful when I embraced the word “kindness” for 2016.  I had been inspired by a CK Ted X Talk on the same topic in 2015.  The word kept popping up so I began to intentionally use it & witnessed how it transformed my life. Feedback from friends & colleagues showed how it inspired them.

Embracing one word for the year as a focus and one word as a legacy has become a movement which I discovered on twitter.

5 Tips to find your Word for 2017

  1. Google words of inspiration to prompt you to find one that speaks to you.

  2. Reflect on your current reality and where you want to move to. Your word is always positive.

  3. Ask friends & family what their word is.  It’s personal so give them the liberty to simply state their word with no explanation. If they share, it’s a meaningful forum to foster conversation & grow a relationship.  Words that have been shared with me in the past 24 hours are “Thrive”  “Courage”  “Embrace

  4. Think of a word that has been rolling around in your head like a pebble in your shoe.

  5. Look at your word void of any other.  Listen to its simplicity & power.  Admire its beauty & meaning like you would art displayed in a gallery.


My word for 2017 is “Why”.  I was inspired by an Early Years retreat in February 2016.  My “take away” from the 4 days of thinking…  I needed to understand my “why“.

Why is it so important to me for children to have a positive childhood? 

Why am I so passionate that our organization’s; environments, food & interactions with staff/educators leave a positive memory for all who attend our childcare? 

In the past I was maniacally driven to accomplish this vision. The epiphany was the driving demons were from childhood trauma . This was a powerful revelation. I was subconsciously fighting not to give credit to the abuse for shaping my passion about children’s childhood. It has been healing & empowering to understand it shaped my values, beliefs & created a disposition to fight the bad guys. I recognize that it is the outcome that I can celebrate.  That is my “why” & it is good.

I have taken something evil & with an open heart used it as motivation to strive for a childcare that all children deserve; a safe, loving, respectful, joyful culture where each child feels they belong.

My “Word” has taken a year to process & manifest.  I shared these thoughts on a private Facebook page with the Early Childhood retreat experts. The sisterhood feedback was positive & encouraging.

What’s the word on the street?  Please comment to share your word for 2017. I believe together these words will inspire a community of compassion & kindness where we THRIVE and have the COURAGE to EMBRACE each other.


7 Comments Add yours

    1. Thank you Barb. Just even saying the word aloud invokes a sense of calm.


  1. Joan V says:

    I have it narrowed down to 2- action, and drive.


    1. Great movement words. Thanks for sharing Joan.


  2. In childhood the most profound growing takes place, and in a very short time we are here and gone. The environment was created give us a sense of ahhhhhh….and wonder. and our bodies were made to adapt to it and get stronger against any friction imposed upon it, like when a bone breaks and is twice as thick after healing.
    The environment is hostile no matter where we are born, damaging as well as nourishing , some times at the fetal origin part of the experience, we could be exposed to a killer ( microscopic and/or giant alike) and be changed completely.

    We are born, but just a few hours and have great troubles. A small person,
    the most vulnerable, and fragile.
    Before we can even translate the events and experiences we encounter, it is already happening to us.
    How do we make it so far? It must be by miracle.
    Kindness is born from love.


    1. Nicole you have such insight. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and taking this conversation deeper. Miracles are happening all around us every day thank you for wearing the lens to see and share them.


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